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What is Correct My Posture (CMP)?


Correct My Posture is Step 1. Everyone begins here. It's the foundation of everything we do, and essential to getting the most out of our other program, Mind2Motion Golf.


CMP is the first neuroplasticity-based, no-exercise approach to good posture. I bet you're thinking, "Come on! A no-exercise program for better posture?" If you think that's hard to believe, it gets even better. Our approach to learning is 100% non-verbal. Let me repeat, "CMP (and all Plumb Line University's programs) is a no-exercise, non-verbal, neuroplasticity-based program. Do we have your attention now? That's what we thought.


How and Why?


Got pain, anyone? Approximately 75% of Americans hate to exercise, so they don't. Muscular-skeletal disorders and chronic back, hip, shoulder, neck, and knee pain are on the rise with no sign of slowing down. Even high school and college athletes have more MSDs than ever before. The cause? A subconscious lifestyle of poor torso (postural) alignment inevitably results in poor movement patterns.


The non-exercise approach was discovered by Dr. Edward Taub, One of the most noted, Neuroplasticians of our time. Because Taub is brilliant, we adopted his three key training principles and developed a no-brainer common sense approach to posture. Speaking of a no-brainer, on the other end of the educational spectrum, our founder Alison Thietje, Alley-Tee for short, a lifelong certified personal trainer, created the non-verbal approach (also backed by modern brain science) called TED Training. It is beyond simple and requires no education to master it. And it works!


What is Neuroplasticity? 


Intimidating word, right? We use it because we like how it sounds, making us sound really smart.  And it's true. All of our programs are designed to utilize one trait: Neuroplasticity. Changing the brain and both conscious and subconscious postural and body movement habits. 


No Exercise? No intellectual jargon? Sign me up!


When & where would I use CMP?


One of Taub's three key training principles is that we frequently apply the desired body change throughout the day for short spurts of time. (I know, right? The short spurts-of-time is what sold us too.) Taub's second training principle is that the training must be applied to our normal daily routine. That makes CMP a time saver because we do it- while doing -what we're already doing. Do you know what that means? CMP is saving us money! And as Americans, we know that time is money. Taub's third training principle is that the learning must be incremental. Yep, we got that down too.


What about fitness & sports enthusiasts?


Do you mean the small percentage who love to exercise, chase little white balls for 4 hours, ride bikes for 40 miles, jog at 6:00 am on a Saturday, and go to the gym every day? Their #1 priority should be going through Body Movement Mastery Courses 101 & 102. If they don't add our self-administered alignment principles to their activities, they have a much higher risk of injury, chronic pain, and crappy performance in their chosen sport as they age. That is no fun at all. So, if you know someone that fits that profile, do them a favor and forward them a link to this page.


On a more personal note (to the 50 + year old men ) 


Speaking of age-related drawbacks, how do we put this nicely? There are some personal issues with poor torso alignment (posture) and poor movement patterns, which unknowingly affect your loved ones in ways they may not want to tell you about.  (Particularly, loved ones of males over 50.) In a very personal way, good torso alignment (posture)  increases agility, strength, and endurance by dramatically improving the effectiveness of your movement patterns. This is of utmost importance as we age (and something the little blue pill can't fix.)  I hope you understand what we're trying to say without us having to come out and say it.


And don't fall into the trap of thinking you already know this stuff. We currently have zero competition.

Our programs are proprietary, innovative, simple, and, most importantly, 100% practical. There is no need for textbooks or memorizing big words (except for the word neuroplasticity which sounds cool). Our courses are marked by a distinct "Don't tell us what you know, show us what you can do" approach to education. It's far superior. At least, we think it is.



Who needs CMP?

If you answer yes to one or more of the following .... you do!

I know, I know…We had you at Hello. But check out the list anyway.



I hate exercise

I have poor postural habits

I work on my posture via yoga/Pilates

I've been told that stretching helps poor posture (Soooo old school. You need CMP!)

I love to play golf, hockey, baseball, and tennis

I'm a senior golfer & want to play good golf for as long as possible

I'm a golfer who has taken the TPI course

I'm a golfer tired of traditional golf lessons

I'm an equestrian (Western, English, Polo)

I'm an avid cyclist (on or off-road)

I'm a personal trainer, physical therapist, and chiropractor

I'm a surgeon or nurse & experience back/neck/hip/shoulder pain

I participate in corporate safety & ergonomics programs

I participate in industrial athlete programs

I love to work out

I walk/hike/jog for exercise regularly

I'm a cross-fit fan

I lift weights and/or take exercises classes at a gym

I have chronic pain somewhere in my body (YOU MUST TRY CMP)

I go to a Chiropractor regularly

I have back or neck pain

I've had surgery due to an injury or a chronic pain

I have a joint replacement

I'm over 60+ and want to remain physically active for as long as possible

I'm age 55+ and still sexually active

Step 1 anchor
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